Black leopard red wolf goodreads
Black leopard red wolf goodreads

black leopard red wolf goodreads

E tampouco vai ó básico no tema razas máxicas, senón que expón outras, que ignoro se son da súa invención ou parte da cultura africana. Pero Marlon James decidiu darlle unha patada a ese cliché e entréganos un mundo baseado en África.

black leopard red wolf goodreads

Aínda que non me disgustan as ambientacións baseadas na Idade Media europea, teño que recoñecer que xa aburren un pouco. Aínda que sexa un mundo fantástico dividido en trece reinos e con escravistas, espíritus, diaños, multitude de deuses e razas máxicas, e que é un mundo cheo de violencia e sexo descritos sen cortarse un pelo, non pensedes nun plaxio de Juego de Tronos (alomenos da serie, os libros non os lin). Polo exposto no parágrafo anterior, prefiro non entrar en detalle en trama e personaxes, xa que non é doado facelo sen facer spoilers. Naipaul who won in 1971.Ĭitando a Aerolíneas Federales: "Non todo é o que parece, amigo, hai que pensalo moi ben." E ese pequeno verso dunha canción do Xabarín Club vaille que nin pintado á trama e personaxes desta novela. He is the second Caribbean winner of the prize, following Trinidad-born V. It won the fiction category of the 2015 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature and the 2015 Man Booker Prize for Fiction, having been the first book by a Jamaican author ever to be shortlisted. His most recent novel, 2014's A Brief History of Seven Killings, explores several decades of Jamaican history and political instability through the perspectives of many narrators. His second novel, The Book of Night Women, is about a slave woman's revolt in a Jamaican plantation in the early 19th century. His first novel, John Crow's Devil - which was rejected 70 times before being accepted for publication - tells the story of a biblical struggle in a remote Jamaican village in 1957. James has taught English and creative writing at Macalester College since 2007. He received a master's degree in creative writing from Wilkes University (2006).

black leopard red wolf goodreads black leopard red wolf goodreads

James is a 1991 graduate of the University of the West Indies, where he read Language and Literature. Henry) became a detective and his father (from whom James took a love of Shakespeare and Coleridge) a lawyer. James was born in Kingston, Jamaica, to parents who were both in the Jamaican police: his mother (who gave him his first prose book, a collection of stories by O. Now living in Minneapolis, James teaches literature at Macalester College in St. He has published three novels: John Crow's Devil (2005), The Book of Night Women (2009) and A Brief History of Seven Killings (2014), winner of the 2015 Man Booker Prize.

Black leopard red wolf goodreads